Barcelona Bar Association’s council member, Rosa Isabel Peña, participates in the inaugural session of the Seminar of Art and Law 2023 celebrated in Málaga
The Málaga Bar Association has accepted the 2023 edition of the Seminar of Art and Law, as part of the collaboration agreement signed between the Barcelona Bar Association, Paris and Málaga in 2009 (the three cities have Museums of the exclusive work by Pablo Picasso), to promote international legal culture.
This year, the Seminar of Art and Law was celebrated on June 22nd, 2023 in Málaga. The inaugural session counted with the participation of Carlos López Abadín, director of the Seminar; Rosa Isabel Peña, council member of the governing board of ICAB responsible of the International Relations; Salvador González, Dean of ICA Málaga; Anne-Sophie Nardon, council member of the governing board of Paris y Rafael Valentín, Head of Plastic Arts of the "UNICAJA Foundation".
The program covered different aspects of the Art, Technology and law across the five working days: Cultural Heritage and Technology; Mercado del arte y metaverso, ; Intellectual property and disruptive technologies applicable to art; Cybersecurity in the art market and digital transformation of new realities.

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PROGRAMA - 27º Congreso de Responsabilidad Civil (2023)